Leading the charge in uranium hexafluoride conversion
ConverDyn offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of the nuclear industry. With the Honeywell Metropolis facility and expert team, we ensure the seamless conversion of uranium into high-quality UF6, ready to fuel nuclear power plants worldwide.

Empowering clean energy nuclear solutions
At ConverDyn, our commitment to excellence permeates every facet of our operations. We relentlessly pursue innovation, continuously seeking out new technologies and methodologies to enhance our processes and products. By embracing sustainability as a core value, we strive to minimize our environmental impact and promote responsible stewardship of natural resources.
Key Services
- Uranium Conversion: Leveraging advanced technology, we convert uranium ore into UF6 with unparalleled efficiency and precision.
- U3O8 Concentrate Weighing and Sampling: Weighing and sampling of uranium concentrates, U3O8, are critical steps. Honeywell-MTW weighing and sampling procedures, which conform to ASTM standards, help determine the purity of uranium concentrates and ensure compatibility with the Honeywell conversion process.
- Customer Support: Our dedicated team provides exceptional customer support, ensuring a seamless experience from order placement to product delivery.
Our product: uranium hexafluoride
In the global energy landscape, the role of uranium enrichment is paramount in fueling nuclear power plants worldwide. At ConverDyn, we’re proud to lead the charge in this essential process, utilizing state-of-the-art techniques to convert uranium oxide (U3O8) into gaseous uranium hexafluoride (UF6).
Our strategic partnership with Honeywell’s Metropolis Works (Honeywell-MTW) facility stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence. Through the innovative dry fluoride volatility conversion process developed by Honeywell International, we consistently deliver UF6 of unmatched purity, exceeding industry standards with a remarkable 99.99% purity rate. Not only does this process ensure top-tier quality, but it also sets a new benchmark for environmental sustainability, making it the preferred choice globally.
Metropolis facility stands as a beacon of efficiency and productivity in the uranium conversion industry. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and a relentless pursuit of excellence, we’re driving the transformation of uranium conversion, paving the way for a cleaner, greener future powered by nuclear energy.

The Honeywell Dry Fluoride Volatility Conversion Process, developed by Honeywell International, ensures the production of high-purity uranium hexafluoride (UF6) through controlled stages including sizing, reduction, hydrofluorination, fluorination, and distillation. This process maintains consistent quality and environmental sustainability, reflecting ConverDyn’s commitment to excellence in uranium conversion.
The dry fluoride conversion process used at Honeywell-MTW is a fully integrated, continuous process, as compared to the two-step processes of all other Western converters. MTW’s process takes place in one location, under one roof. All other Western converters use two separate facilities which requires packaging and transport of intermediary products.
Weighing and sampling of uranium concentrates, U3O8, are critical steps. Honeywell-MTW weighing and sampling procedures, which conform to ASTM standards, help determine the purity of uranium concentrates and ensure compatibility with the Honeywell conversion process.
Uranium ore concentrates (U3O8, or yellowcake) received at Honeywell-MTW for conversion must meet certain specifications to ensure the quality of UF6 delivered to our customers. Only natural origin (non-irradiated) uranium concentrates containing 0.711% U-235 are accepted for processing.