Explore Honeywell’s Metropolis Works
Step into the heart of our operations at Honeywell’s Metropolis Works, where technological innovation meets operational excellence in the production of high-performance materials.

Metropolis, Illinois uranium hexafluoride processing facility
The Honeywell Uranium Hexafluoride Processing Facility, a uranium conversion facility, is located 1.9 miles (3 km) northwest of Metropolis, Illinois, United States.
Honeywell introduced Six Sigma as a powerful strategy to accelerate improvements in processes, products, and services, and to radically reduce manufacturing and/or administrative costs and improve quality. Honeywell has recently developed a new generation of Six Sigma, called Six Sigma Plus, that empowers its employees with the skills and tools necessary to create more value for its customers, and improve its processes, products, and services.
At any industrial facility, occupational health and safety is a significant concern. Honeywell-MTW works diligently to create a “zero-loss” safety culture by conducting preventive safety, loss prevention and occupational health programs, and requiring that equipment and operating practices meet all applicable regulatory requirements. Working with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Honeywell-MTW strives to establish systems that ensure the integrity of its facility and the safety of the surrounding community.
Built in 1958, the Honeywell Metropolis Works Facility is the only uranium hexafluoride conversion facility in the United States.
The plant feeds U3O8 yellowcake received from uranium mines and produces uranium hexafluoride gas for enrichment at one of the primary enrichment sites around the world. After being enriched, the product is fabricated into nuclear fuel that ends up generating electricity at a nuclear power plant.
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) projects conversion needs to meet uranium requirements for nuclear power reactors
AEC invites industry bids
Allied awarded five-year contract (1959-1964)
Ground broken for plant construction
Plant completed
First UF6 deliveries to AEC
AEC contract completed; plant mothballed
Studies support operating MTW as a private conversion facility
Rehabilitation of UF6 plant completed
First deliveries to customers under toll conversion contracts
Plant capacity expanded to 9,000 mtU as UF6
Plant capacity expanded to 11,500 mtU as UF6
Calcium fluoride recovery process completed
Formation of ConverDyn
Uranium auger sampling system completed
Plant capacity expanded to 12,700 mtU as UF6
Re-engineering raises plant capacity to over 14,000 mtU as UF6
10 year license renewal granted by the U.S. NRC
Expansion completed to raise nameplate capacity to 17,600 mtU as UF6
Post-Fukushima seismic upgrades
license extension to 2060
Temporary shutdown from 2017 to 2023 due to poor market conditions
Successful restart of MTW in July 2023